Quiet PCs (Update)
Not everything went as planned with the quiet part upgrade:I noticed that there was a high-pitched noise coming from somewhere in the PC which I tracked down, at six o'clock Friday evening, to one of the new fans. These things happen; a dodgy ball-bearing is all it takes and spinning at a couple of thousand RPM will soon show any flaws.
So I sent an email to QuietPC.com asking how I go about returning the faulty fan for replacement and went off to get a coffee, expecting to hear back on Monday or perhaps Saturday if I was lucky with instructions on the returns process, but when I got back to my PC there was a notification of the impending dispatch of a replacement fan and a note advising me to throw out the faulty fan because of the difficulties with the post this time of year.
So the moral is, get quiet parts for your PC, even if you've already done so a few years ago because things improve, and when you do, buy them from QuietPC.com!
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