Wednesday, February 08, 2006

But, that's not me!

Well, following my own advice and delving further into Lifehacker I decided to Google myself. Ooer.

I found a lot of, let’s call them ‘false positives’, some of which could conceivably have been left by me; comments on the BBC News for example have the right name and country and don’t identify themselves any further. The thing is; none of them are me. Not one. I’m okay with that. My point is that if someone Googles (is that verb yet? I know they didn’t want it to be) me looking for information then they’re going to be building a composite of the wrong person:


  1. I went to Kingston Grammar School
  2. I’m big on German trains for some reason.
  3. I have a lot to say on the BBC web site and use some bad words.
  4. I’m a member of the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce.
  5. I play the flute. F’nar. (sorry)


Wrong! All that is from page one of the results. People use Google for this kind of thing every day and it’s not a good idea. A few more criteria may help but like with any Web search; the more you add, the more you miss.

I think it’s reminding me of ID cards and their ‘we know who you are’ stance. Except they don’t; they know who they think you are.


I’ve got some tinfoil round here some where; I wonder what my hat size is…


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