Thursday, February 09, 2006

iPod? We Don' Need No Steenkin' iPod.

A quick mental stock-take tells me that while I’m the only person I know who has an iPod, I’m not the only person I know with a portable media player of some sort. So what? Well, about eighteen months ago I discovered podcasts, which are like radio programmes that can be downloaded and listened to on, well, all sorts of things, anything that can play pre-recorded music (record players would require your own record manufacturing plant). At the time my Creative Zen Xtra Jukebox and a dial-up connection didn’t make a good environment for regular listening. Now I have an iPod and broadband I’m back into it.

The trouble with the name ‘podcast’ is that many people think an iPod is needed to be able to listen to or watch them and while that was the original marketing hook and got the whole ball rolling, it’s just plain wrong. Think of it as offline consumption of time-shifted audio / video content. Would you like to know more?

Incidentally, what makes the iPod good in my case is that I can connect it to my car which is where I do a lot of my listening.




At Thursday, February 09, 2006 8:05:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to clarify this for the civilians.


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