iPod Camera Adaptor Revisted
Having been using my camera for some photo journalism today (well, recording the postion of buried water pipes, anyway) I decided to give my iPod Camera Adaptor another go with the EOS 350D. I set the camera to 'Print/PTP' mode and hooked it up... Now I tried this once before but I didn't have any luck but I've updated the iPod firmware since then so who knows?I shoot RAW + JPG so I was expecting, if it was going to do anything at all, that it would copy the JPGs and probably ignore the RAWs but when I checked the iPod hard drive from my PC there were the RAWs too!
So, the iPod does work as a photo storage drive for RAW images. I'm not sure whether it can handle displaying them, I doubt it but it can cope with eight megapixel JPGs without any trouble.
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